预定义格式打印:-b, -c, -C, -d, -o, -x
-b, 一个字节,8进制打印,一行16个字节,开头是16进制偏移。每个字节3个字符,前导0填充。如
$ hexdump -b -n 30 /dev/urandom
0000000 036 327 155 017 205 003 020 215 121 017 316 252 212 067 206 011
0000010 165 121 340 327 207 263 273 067 263 070 110 343 320 263
-c, 一个字节,按字符打印,如果是不可打印字符,则打印编码,或者转义名称如\n
$ hexdump -c -n 30 /dev/urandom
0000000 221 B 4 | ( 232 & \a ;
0000010 o 030 022 ] \t 237 006 ~
$ hexdump -C -n 30 /dev/urandom
00000000 b1 98 2f 62 86 57 9e e9 8f f4 11 dd 35 7b 36 b7 |../b.W......5{6.|
00000010 c7 7a 29 b7 3f 08 77 6b 84 89 14 da 1e ea |.z).?.wk......|
# hexdump -x -n 30 /dev/urandom
0000000 be52 468a 34b2 1e22 975c 73b6 e886 cfdd
0000010 ef18 7194 0bae 567e ee80 ec13 c4bc
unsigned short *v = (unsigned short *)data;
printf("%02x", v)
-n length
-s offset
# hexdump -n 1024 /dev/zero
0000000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ <iteration count> / <byte count> ] "<format string>"
iteration count,是格式字符串的循环次数,
byte count,是一次读取几个字节,
format string,是格式字符串,和c printf函数的格式字符串类似,但是有一些特殊的格式字符:
NUL \0
<alert character> \a
<backspace> \b
<form-feed> \f
<newline> \n
<carriage return> \r
<tab> \t
<vertical tab> \v
%_A, 和_a类似,但是只有在最后结尾的时候,才输出地址,中间循环输出空。
每个格式单元,会消耗 <iteration count> * <byte count> 个字节,即使format string没有使用它们。
$ echo -ne '\x1\x2\x3\x4\x5\x6\x7\x8' | hexdump -e '4/1 "%02x " 2/1 "\n"'
01 02 03 04
07 08
如果没有指定byte count,则根据格式来,
%_c, %_p, %_u, %c, 1个字节
%d, %i, %o, %u, %X, %x, 4个字节
%E, %e, %f, %G, %g, 8个字节
$ hexdump -e '4/1 "%02x %d"'
hexdump: byte count with multiple conversion characters
每个格式单元消耗固定数量的输入数据,为 byte_count * interation_count
The amount of data interpreted by each format string is the sum of the data required by each
format unit, which is the iteration count times the byte count, or the iteration count times
the number of bytes required by the format if the byte count is not specified.
The input is manipulated in ``blocks'', where a block is defined as the largest amount of
data specified by any format string. Format strings interpreting less than an input block's
worth of data, whose last format unit both interprets some number of bytes and does not have
a specified iteration count, have the iteration count incremented until the entire input
block has been processed or there is not enough data remaining in the block to satisfy the
format string.
If, either as a result of user specification or hexdump modifying the iteration count as de‐
scribed above, an iteration count is greater than one, no trailing whitespace characters are
output during the last iteration.
It is an error to specify a byte count as well as multiple conversion characters or strings
unless all but one of the conversion characters or strings is _a or _A.
If, as a result of the specification of the -n option or end-of-file being reached, input
data only partially satisfies a format string, the input block is zero-padded sufficiently to
display all available data (i.e., any format units overlapping the end of data will display
some number of the zero bytes).
Further output by such format strings is replaced by an equivalent number of spaces. An
equivalent number of spaces is defined as the number of spaces output by an s conversion
character with the same field width and precision as the original conversion character or
conversion string but with any “+”, “ ”, “#” conversion flag characters removed, and refer‐
encing a NULL string.
man hexdump