作者:Yuan Jianpeng 邮箱
发布时间:2023-9-7 站点:Inside Linux Development

dhcpv6  reply消息中,IANA有T1和T2两个定时器,IAPD也有。

T1是一个定时器,通常是preferred lifetime的一半,当T1超时时,client发起renew消息。

T2是一个定时器,通常是preferred lifetime的0.8,当T1发起的renew没有收到回复时,启动T2定时器,T2定时器超时,client发起rebind消息。


Address/prefix lease renewal

An IPv6 address/prefix assigned by a DHCPv6 server has a valid lifetime. After the valid lifetime expires, the DHCPv6 client cannot use the IPv6 address/prefix. To use the IPv6 address/prefix, the DHCPv6 client must renew the lease time.

Figure 70: Using the Renew message for address/prefix lease renewal

As shown in Figure 70, at T1, the DHCPv6 client sends a Renew message to the DHCPv6 server. The recommended value of T1 is half the preferred lifetime. The DHCPv6 server responds with a Reply message, informing the client whether the lease is renewed.

Figure 71: Using the Rebind message for address/prefix lease renewal

As shown in Figure 71:

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