$ ls 134
ls: cannot open directory '134': Permission denied
$ cat 134/a
$ touch 134/c
touch: cannot touch '134/c': Permission denied
$ echo 123 > 134/a
$ chmod -x 134/
$ echo 123 > 134/a
-bash: 134/a: Permission denied
ls -l会失败,但是\ls会成功,前者会访问文件的属性。ls默认是alias ls='ls --color=auto',也会失败。
This permission is very different on directories compared to files. Essentially, you can think of it as providing access to the directory. Having execute permission on a directory authorizes you to look at extended information on files in the directory (using ls -l
, for instance) but also allows you to change your working directory (using cd
) or pass through this directory on your way to a subdirectory underneath.
Lacking execute permission on a directory can limit the other permissions in interesting ways. For example, how can you add a new file to a directory (by leveraging the write permission) if you can't access the directory's metadata to store the information for a new, additional file? You cannot. It is for this reason that directory-type files generally