vim day 2
作者:HerbertYuan 邮箱
发布时间:2017-8-29 站点:Inside Linux Development

vim + tmux -OMG!Code


hjkl left up down right

^E scroll down

^Y scroll up

^F scroll down one page

^B scroll up one page

H move cursor to the top of the window

M move cursor to de middle of the window

L move cursor to the bottom of the window

gg go to the top of file

The secret sauce

text objects and motions

the DOT command


text objects

w words

s sentences

p paragraphs

t tags


a all

i in

t util

f find forward

F find backward


d delete (also cut)

c change (delte then place in insert mode)

y yank (copy)

v visually select

daw delete whole word


addtional commands

dd/yy delte/yank the current line

D/C delete/change until end of line

^/$ move to the beginning/end of line

I/A move to the beginning/end of line and insert

o/O insert new line above/below current line and insert

p paste below

P paste up

q{register} start macro

do something

q stop macro

@{register} play macro


vundle - plugin manager

nerdtree file drawer

ctrlp fuzzy file finder

fugitive git tool

syntastic syntax checker/linter

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